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Orbit SkinCare

Beauty in Motion

Welcome to Orbit SkinCare, where you will find quality, green products made with 95% pure natural plant products and 5% laboratory produced potent ingredients backed by years of research globally for their effectiveness and safety.made for a healthy skin inside, out. Browse our range of  products for an inside, out beauty experience. and join our natural beauty community.

Orbit SkinCare Origin

Orbit Skin was established in 2020 during the Covid – 19 Pandemic, an idea which came to the founder as a result of a deep introspection of self. As a chemist Lerato found herself at a crossroad during the peak of covid with hunger on being able to understand her talents and using them to give back to her society and self.
Orbit for her means returning to the beginning, it is about a 360 degree turn on self and starting right from the beginning through embracing who we are, but most importantly the time we have been given to exist and using that to seek the best for ourselves through wellness and sustainable self care and beauty. A chemistry graduate who ditched the lab for project management , Lerato found herself right where she started through this journey of self discovery.This time around, she would be formulating with natural herbs and oils to create holistic beauty and wellness products.


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